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domenica 30 settembre 2012

> Siegessäule__Victory Column

> Bread & Butter 2012

hand-made pocket book by Enrico Frignani
_single copy for visioncurrently not for sale_

All photos copyright by their respective owners: Dennis Branko, Anna Ko, Franziska Taffelt, Marco Magnago, Ugur Orhanoglu, Valerio Giradi, Klaus Flesch, Miki Richter, Julia Nitzschke, Andreas Schottke, Cordula Groth. ©

> Volt __restaurant

All photos copyright by their respective owners.

Paul-Linke-Ufer 21
 30 610 740 33

> Forever the new tattoo__book


© Gestalten

About This Book

Tattoos now have mass appeal, but beyond the mainstream, a new tattoo underground has developed. It is as innovative, diverse, inspiring, and controversial as the motifs it creates. Forever is a stunning documentation of this dynamic current scene.
Forever showcases key tattoo innovators and a broad range of fresh styles. The book explores how today’s tattoo culture is strongly influenced by art, fashion, and contemporary visual culture as well as traditional tattoo art—often in surprising ways.
In addition to its cutting-edge selection of quality visuals, Forever features insightful text portraits by Nick Schonberger of Alex Binnie, Yann Black, Scott Campbell, Curly, El Monga, Fergadelic, Mike Giant, Thomas Hooper, Jon John, Alix Lambert, Guy Le Tatooer, Duke Riley, Robert Ryan, Jonas Uggli, Amanda Wachob, and Duncan X. A preface by heavily tattooed art historian Matt Lodder puts current developments in tattooing into historical context. Text © Gestalten

> Olaf Hajek__illustrator

© Gestalten

sabato 29 settembre 2012

> Stephanie Franzius__fashion

 © Stephanie Franzius

 Stephanie Franzius

> Mega Model Agency

Anna Zasada
Dominique Piek
 Elise vant Zand
Hanna Verhees
Juliana Imai
 Kim Mc Cullough
 Patrycja Walczak

Mega Model Agency
Ted Linow
Kremmener Straße 9-11
D-10435 Berlin
Tel.: +49 (0)30 44033290

venerdì 28 settembre 2012